- until 1985: studies of Business Administration at the University of Hamburg
- since 1985: Business Manager M.B.A. and teacher of commercial studies
- from 1985 to 1991: assistant lecturer at the Institute for Business Taxation for Prof. Dr. H.-J. Kleineidam at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg
- 1991: Doctorate and title Dr. rer. nat. at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg
- since 1994: tax consultant
- since 2000: auditor
Professional background
- from 1991 to 1998: employment at a renowned Hamburger tax consultancy and auditing company
- since 1998 freelancer
- since 2000: co-founder of the „2C“ group and its predecessor
- successful assistance with stock market flotations, such as Höft & Wessel AG, Conergy AG and C.A.T. oil AG
Areas of expertise/competencies
- specialization in international tax consulting
- mergers & acquisitions
- law regarding fiscal offenses and self-indictment