2C-Group – personal and efficient
Our group is your qualified contact in all domains of tax, legal and corporate consulting as well as auditing. We combine international contacts and experience of more than ten years with the drive and passion of our current crew.
2C stands for "to Client" and describes one of our major aims: consulting or auditing tailored to the needs and desires of our clients. We advise personally, competent and individually keeping the client in our focus.
Our consulting approach: holistic solutions by interdisciplinary cooperation
The cooperation of our companies makes interdisciplinary knowledge transfer possible by deploying comprehensive competence teams.
Depending on the type and the size of the tasks at hand we can recruit a team from a pool of 40 qualified staff members. Irrespective of the type of your request you will have your personal assistant at your side. In this way, you will get the whole scale of our services from a single source. For us, this is the right way to deliver optimal consulting results and effective solutions to you.
Know-how from different points of view
Our corporate structure consisting of tax consultants, auditors, attorneys and company consultants enables us to examine even complex problems from different points of view and to come up with holistic solutions.
We offer private persons and companies a flexible and extendable service spectrum - irrespective of their size or industry affiliation. Also one-man companies are welcome. Our clients come from all sorts of industries and feature different sizes and structures.
This is the reason why we as entrepreneurs who have experience with all kinds of legal forms and company sizes in a multitude of industries can help you to meet your daily challenges.
But also private persons for whom we elaborate tax returns or whom we help to draw up contracts in a tax optimized fashion can benefit from our experience.
Our roots - starting into a strong future
Our company originates from the companies Dres. Ulrich & Schroeder Treuhand GmbH, Huget-Schroeder-Höft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH, GHS Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH and A + T Ulrich & Schroeder Treuhand GmbH.
From these companies initially emerged T2C Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH and A2C Treuhand GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in 2007.
Two years later, L2C Luecke & Partner and die C2C Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft mbH joined them.
Since 2011, T2C Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH is assisted in its tax consulting activity by the newly founded T2C Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG and later by T2C Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Dr. Höft und Partner mbB.